Current Research Interests
My current research interest is in the emerging area of sparse
representations, sparse recovery, and compressed sensing.
Here, one seeks to acquire a small number of digital measurements (sampling)
of a sparse signal directly in compressed format (often achieved by a series
of random linear projections) and then relies on sophisticated reconstruction
algorithms such as basis pursuit or matching pursuit to recover the signal
from these measurements. Our research in this area primarily involves
- exploring various theoretical aspects and mathematical explanations
of the framework
- extending the CS framework: joint-sparsity models, matrix recovery,
matrix completion, robust principal component analysis
- developing practical large-scale compressed sensing algorithms with
fast, efficient, and hardware-friendly implementations
- novel applications of sparse recovery to process natural
speech/audio/image/video signals as well as documents and social network
data sets
- hyperspectral imaging, synthetic aperture radar imaging
Current Ph.D. Students
Xiaoxia Sun, Ph.D. candidate,
co-advised with Prof. Nasser M. Nasrabadi
Shuai Huang, Ph.D. candidate
Dung N. Tran, Ph.D. candidate,
co-advised with Prof. Sang Peter Chin
Sonia Joy, Ph.D. candidate
Xiang Xiang, Ph.D. candidate
Tao Xiong, Ph.D. candidate,
co-advised with Prof. Sang Peter Chin
LuoLuo Liu, Ph.D. candidate
Akshay Rangamani, Ph.D. candidate,
co-advised with Prof. Sang Peter Chin
Arun Nair, Ph.D. candidate
- Minh Dao,
Ph.D. 08/2015.
Dissertation: Structured Sparse Representation with Low-Rank Interference Algorithms and Applications
Army Research Laboratory,
Adelphi, MD, USA.
- Yuanming Suo,
Ph.D. 08/2015.
Dissertation: Structured Dictionary Learning and its Applications in Neural Recording
New York, NY, USA.
- Dzung T. Nguyen,
Ph.D. 08/2012.
Dissertation: Low-Rank Approximation and Sparse Recovery for Visual Data Reconstruction
Research Scientist,
Fossil Group Inc.,
Dallas, TX, USA.
- Nam H. Nguyen,
Ph.D. 05/2012.
Dissertation: On Exploiting Low-dimensional Structure in Data Recovery and Data Approximation
Research Associate,
MIT Department of Mathematics,
Cambridge, MA, USA.
- Yi Chen,
Ph.D. 05/2012.
Dissertation: Sparse Representation for Target Detection and Classification in Hyperspectral Imagery
Research Scientist,
Google Inc.,
Menlo Park, CA, USA.
- Thong T. Do,
Ph.D. 05/2010.
Dissertation: Practical Algorithms for Compressive Sensing and their Applications to Multimedia Processing
Current Position: Co-Founder | Managing Director,
Mountain View, CA, USA.
- Iman A. El-Shehaby,
Ph.D. 05/2009.
Dissertation: Local Computation and Estimation of Wavelet Coefficients in the Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Its Applications
- Lijie Liu,
Ph.D. 05/2008.
Dissertation: On Filter Bank and Transform Design with the Lifting Scheme
Current Position: Senior Quantitative Analyst,
Toronto, Canada.
- Carlos Salazar,
Ph.D. 05/2007.
Dissertation: Computationally Scalable Spatial Resizing of DCT Domain Compressed Images and Video
Current Position: Manager,
National Security Agency (NSA),
Fort Meade, MD, USA.
- Wei Dai,
Ph.D. 05/2005.
Dissertation: Adaptive Block-based Decomposition with Pre-/Post-Filtering
Current Position: Member of Technical Staff,
Columbia, MD, USA.
- Jie Liang, Ph.D. 12/2003.
Dissertation: Filter Bank Design for Image/Video Compression and Digital Communications
Current Position: Professor, School of Engineering Science,
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada.
- Chengjie Tu, Ph.D. 12/2003.
Dissertation: Pre-/Post-Filtering and Context Modeling for DCT Based Block Coding Systems
Technical Lead,
Uber Advanced Technologies Center,
Pittsburgh, PA, USA.