CISS 99 |
of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Baltimore, Maryland, March 17, 18, and 19, 1999
Authors are invited to submit papers describing new advances, applications, and ideas in the fields of signal, image, and video processing, systems and control, communications, pattern recognition, statistical inference, and computer engineering.Two kinds of contributed papers are solicited:
Three copies of a summary, together with a regular or short designation and 2-3 keywords are to be submitted by January 15, 1999 to the CISS99 Conference Office address below. Summaries should be of sufficient detail and length to permit careful reviewing. Authors will be notified of acceptance no later than February 17, 1999. Instructions for the preparation of accepted papers for the proceedings will be sent to each author.
Hotel Accomodations:
Special Rates for JHU/CISS '99 Guests: $115.00
Double Tree Inn at the Colonnade
4 W. University Parkway
Please note that the Colonnade is within walking distance of the Homewood Campus
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: Jerry L. Prince Phone: (410) 516-7416 Email: CONFERENCE MANAGER: Michael J. Alexander |
CONFERENCE OFFICE: 1999 CISS Phone: (410) 516-7033 |
IMPORTANT DATES: Submission Deadline: Notification of Acceptance: Advanced Registration: Conference Dates: |