Session: |
TP4 |
Shaffer 300 |
Chair |
H. Vincent Poor, Princeton University |
2:00 |
(R) |
Map Symbol Decoding in Channels With Error Bursts |
William Turin, AT&T Labs-Research, Shannon Laboratory |
2:30 |
(R) |
Map Algorithms for Decoding Linear Block Codes Based On Sectionalized Trellis Diagrams |
Ye Liu, Marc Fossorier and Shu Lin |
3:00 |
(R) |
The Iterative Decoding of Cycle Codes |
Gavin B. Horn and Robert J. McEliece, California Institute of Technology |
3:30 |
3:45 |
(R) |
On An Acceptance Criterion For The Decoding of Non-Binary Block Codes |
Peter F. Swaszek and William Jones, University of Rhode Island |
4:15 |
(S) |
Viterbi's Algorithm and Matrix Multiplication |
Srinivas Aji, Robert McEliece, and Meina Xu, California Institute of Technology |
4:30 |
(R) |
One-shot Reed-Solomon Decoder |
Yasunao Katayama and Sumio Morioka, Tokyo Research Laboratory |