Ba.c Ta^`n Hoa`i
Kho'i tru`m nu+o+'c la.nh, tra(ng lo^`ng ca't;
Thuye^`n dda^.u Ta^`n Hoa`i, ca.nh tu+?u gia\.
Co^ ga'i kho^ng hay buo^`n nu+o+'c ma^'t,
Be^n so^ng co`n ha't Ha^.u DDi`nh Hoa\.
Ma^y ma(.t nu+o+'c, nguye^.t dda^`u ghe^`nh,
Be^'n Ta^`n vui chuo^'c che'n quy`nh dde^m thanh.
Ga'i "dde^m" que^n so'ng khuynh tha`nh
Be^n so^ng ha't khu'c Ha^.u DDi`nh Hoa cho+i !
Smoke-veiled chilled waters, moon veiling the sands,
We anchored at Chien-Wei River hard by some wineshops.
The dancing girls did not know the bitterness of our defeats.
They were singing "The Flower in the Garden" on the further bank.